Russ Jones is an ultra-contemporary color field painter based in London.

He uses his global heritage and exposure to inform a creative process that explores the commonalities between the extremes of human existence in the modern world. This multicultural background is evident in his work, where diverse cultural narratives are interwoven through emotive color and texture - seeking what common truths connect us all.

Renowned for his commitment to participant observation ethnographic research, Russ often endures significant hardship during his travels. These journeys, including counter-poaching and counter-terrorism operations in Africa and spending time homeless in Paris, are integral to his practice. They provide a platform to connect to remote wisdom, giving a depth of understanding and insight into the human experience, which he translates into his art.

Russ captures the essence of the environments and communities he encounters. His work is a testament to resilience and the human spirit, reflecting his experiences worldwide in remote and challenging locations. Each piece is a narrative, offering viewers a window into the stories and landscapes he has been able to experience and shape his artistic vision.

At the core of Russ' philosophy is a belief in the power of art to inspire and transform through acceptance, 'To strive, to seek, to find, and not to yield.' This mantra echoes through his work, challenging viewers to enjoy and see the beauty in aspects of the human experience furthest from what we normally experience, to see a new perspective and see the good within it.

Artist Statement

My work contributes best by going to the edges and seeing what reality looks like when you mess with the rules and find truth outside the system.

I talk to all the people you love to hate, see the beauty in how they live and I love every second of it.
— Russ